January went by so quickly, and the end of the month was a bit cold. Thankfully, the wind has now calmed down and we could go diving under the sun (≧▽≦) As we departed I saw that my friend’s boat had stopped – to look at dolphins!\(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/ We didn’t get to swim with them but got this photo by putting the camera underwater♪♪
Fun dives in Osaki and Nagura area☆ Corals are looking well!☆
A huge nudibranch~(゚Д゚;) I don’t thin I’ve ever seen one this big before♪♪
A smaller nudibranch was also close by(;・∀・)
There was only one sea turtle on the reef today but it was very relaxed☆
A pipefish♪♪
A tiny Scorpionfish☆ It looked adorable as it shuffled along the bottom(*^▽^*)
The lionfishes often hide between the rocks but this one was out in the open(;^ω^)
From tomorrow the island should start warming up little by little again if you believe the weather forecast♪