A typhoon has formed close to Ishigaki island(;・∀・) But the ocean was still calm todayた\(^o^)/ We went for fun dives☆ no mantas! The green sea turtles entertained us instead♡ It swam right in front of one of our divers♪
Then it went up for air☆
The sea goldies were also in good form! So much color(*^▽^*)
A squarespot anthias♡ so cute! I wonder why they have this particular pattern (;^ω^)
The leafy scorpion fish is still sitting around the same spot as several days ago, I hope it’s ok(;・∀・)
A tiny bubble coral shrimp♪
A squat shrimp(≧▽≦)
Can we go diving tomorrow? or not?! We’ll see in the morning (;・∀・)