A strong south wind is blowing over Ishigaki island(≧▽≦) It will continue for a couple of days so we moved the boat to Kabira bay♪♪ First dive today was in Osaki and the second one at Manta point. We were greeted by many Manta rays circling round the cleaning stations\(^o^)/

In total, we saw four of them circling around the most shallow cleaning station. It was a very lucky day!☆

I took a video too but the quality isn’t the best(;´・ω・)↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Of course the big manta rays were very exciting, but we also found a lot of other small critters☆ Like this bubbly looking Nudibranch♪

And this tiny red Nudibranch(*’ω’*)

A Durban dancing shrimp♪♪

And a big Lobster(^O^)

Five Lionfishes had gathered under a rock☆ I hope to see more of them here in the future(^ω^)

Tomorrow, we’ll be back diving in Kabira area again for the first time after a long spell of north winter winds♪