Blue sky and warm summer days in Ishigaki island(≧▽≦)
I wish we could have our boat back((+_+)) It’s still recovering in the marina!
Luckily, we got to borrow another one and went out
In Yonehara, the small fishes were swimming in big schools. The Sea goldies red against the blue ocean(^O^)

The discover scuba divers were a bit nervous but could descend saftley♪♪ They turned out to be very good swimmers(≧▽≦) We swam over the coral garden together

I’m sad to say that the Manta rays didn’t show up(/ω\)
I found some tiny Nudibranch while waiting♪

A Bubble coral shrimp

Tomorrow, we have more discover scuba divers and fun dives. Looking forward to it♪