It’s been raining since this morning, but at least the wind has calmed down in Ishigaki island(≧▽≦)
We encountered a lot of different marine animals today☆ This little fellow was only about one centimeter♪ It’s a Pipehorse but this one looks more like a small piece of rubbish(;・∀・)

A Stonefish buried in the sand☆ This individual is very big, always be careful where you put your hand(;^ω^)

The Green turtles were sleeping in their usual place♪♪ There was still a bit of wave motion underwater so this one has squeezed under a rock to keep steady(/・ω・)/

The Giant cuttlefishes are gathering in Osaki(*^▽^*) From now on, we’ll see a lot of them☆

The cuttlefishes in Nagura bay are also still spawning♪ This year the season started early so if you look closely it is possible to see the baby cuttlefishes inside the eggs☆

Look at the frills of this Nudibranch♪♪ What a cupcake(`・ω・´)

A Mantis peacock shrimp☆ We often see only the head sticking out of a hole, but this one was out in the open today☆

At a first glance, I thought this Ribbon eel had started to turn blue but I was wrong(´-ω-`) It’s still a black young individual♪

Besides all the beautiful and interesting marine animals, we also enjoyed the corals and underwater scenery☆

The weather should be really good for diving from tomorrow☆