It was a mix of sun and rain on today’s tour! Very island weather (⌒▽⌒)
The visibility was good and we were surrounded by many different fish on our dives☆

This grean sea turtle was very friendly ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Close encounter with the sea turtle below! It went up for air and then swam straight up to my face Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)
Below, a nudibranch train♪♪ It’s a mystery why they do this but it sure looks like a lot of fun・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

A frost nudibranch! We often see them in Osaki(≧∇≦)

A big clown anemonefish! They are so cute (*´∇`*)

Also found some squat shrimps♪ They wag their little tails as they move ♡

A not so cute but very impressing stonefish was hiding in the sand Σ(゚д゚lll)

Below, the well camouflaged stone fish. I wonder how they cling to the rock wallsΣ(‘◉⌓◉’)

Tomorrow will be windy…(´⊙ω⊙`) I hope the good visibility will stay☆