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There was a few rain showers over Ishigaki island today but mostly sunny☀️ The north wind from yesterday had stirred up some waves but we could safely go diving✨ Sadly, the manta rays didn’t show up for the 2nd dive… however, they did make an appearance on the 3rd! Three of them circling the cleaning station ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

Also saw a green sea turtle relaxing on the reef✨

Introduction dives at Yonehara🤿🐠

The coral reef is mazing, even better when the sun is out✨

We also took a photo with all the sea goldies♪♪

There dosen’t seem to be any new typhoon approaching for now. The hot days will continue, I hope the water temperature won’t get much higher again σ(^_^;)