A gentle breeze was blowing over a calm ocean today in Ishigaki island.
Today we went out for fun dives and snorkeling in the morning♪ Then, in the afternoon we had discover scuba dives♪♪
Schools of Blue-green damsel fishes swam over the corals in Yonehara♬ So cute (≧▽≦)
A couple of flat worms were making a train (following eachother), or so I thought until they rolled into a ball and started mating♪ I wonder if the train behaiviour is some sort of courtship before mating(;^ω^)
The squat shrimps were wagging their tails as always♪
A big Banded boxer shrimp with beautiful colors♪ It’s a really eye-fetching shrimp(≧▽≦)
Today, we went to manta scramble again! We saw mantas there both in the morning and afternoon☆ It stuck around and circled round and round for a long time\(^o^)/
In the afternoon, our discover scuba divers could just sit and watch it during the whole dive(;・∀・)
From tomorrow we start an open water course☆ Soon, there will be one more certified diver(^O^)