The sea was calm despite the north wind yesterday(≧▽≦)
However, the Viking boat is on dry land for
Today we went for discover scuba dives at Yonehara and Manta point♪ It wasn’t their first dives so they could keep buoyancy very well☆

A Manta ray quickly appeared at the cleaning station\(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/
We saw another one swim by later☆

It circled round and round the rock♪It’s been some time since I’ve seen one this relaxed(≧▽≦)

Close to the cleaning station, we met a Green turtle☆

We also saw many other marine critters. Ishigaki island is really a great place

A Lionfish♪

Tomorrow we’re going out for fun dives! I hope we can meet many different marine animals☆