The north wind blows strong over Ishigaki island(;´・ω・) So we departed from Sakieda beach to our wintertime dive sites(≧▽≦)
Today was the last day of the Open water course! We’ve been practicing a lot and also had a lot of fun☆

Bouyancy looking good♪♪ Between practice we swam over the corals☆

Lots of small Blue-green Damselfishes(*^▽^*) We will visit this point a lot when winter comes, looking forward to it!

Last season, a big Bubble coral shrimp lived in this bubble coral but it’s not there anymore(;´・ω・) However, I’m looking forward to seeing this new little fellow many more times(;・∀・)

Congratulations to our students for completing the Open water course\(^o^)/
I hope you will enjoy many more dives from now on♪♪