The north wind is getting stronger but the weather is still sunny and warm in Ishigaki island(≧▽≦) Today was the second day of Open Water Course! It was hard but we made it♪♪ We also had two fun divers joining us for dives in Osaki and Nagura area☆ Corals were looking good(*^▽^*)

Blue corals in the shallow part of the reef☆

An unexpected visitor showed up♪ It’s not the season for the Giant cuttlefishes yet but, with a bit of luck, it’s possible to see them now too\(^o^)/

A Robust ghost pipefish mimicking a leaf☆

An Anemone shrimp♪

We also saw this tiny Anemone partner shrimp☆

Tomorrow we’re finishing the third and last day of the Open Water Course(≧▽≦)