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The sun was shining brightly over Ishigaki today☀️almost no wind and a flat ocean as we departed for diving🤿 Sadly, no manta rays today and the water temperature is going up again too💦
A hawksbill turtle was resting under a rock🐢

The corals at manta point are starting to recover after the last bleaching🪸 We are seeing more and more healthy spots✨

Below, a school of Indian mackerel🌀

We also enjoyed landscape dives✨ I hope the visibility at this site will improve soon again σ(^_^;)

Below, a scorpionfish✨

And a pineapple nudibranch♪

Can you spot the orangutang crab?🦀

We also saw some shrimps! Below, a little arrow shrimp🦐

Durban dancing shrimp♪

Bubble coral shrimp✨

The sea conditions are stable for now… I hope they will stay this way!