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A bit cloudy but mostly fine weather in Ishigaki island today ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
The wind is picking up but for the moment it’s no problem♪ We went for two dives at Yonehara and Manta point!

Welcome back mr. Manta Ray (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ They swam slowly over the top of the reef and even circled a few times✨ Thank you♡

Corals and reef fishes at Yonehara(≧∇≦)Their numbers are increasing by the day, this reef is so soothing for the heart♡

Below are corals from manta point! They are growing up so quickly〜(*^▽^*)✨

At the end, we saw a giant moray eel having a spa day with small cleaning fish. It looks so content!