A small typhoon passed by Ishigaki island but it left mighty waves Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) We couldn’t dive at manta point today but did two fun dives in Yonehara area✨ Stunning corals as always♫

A green sea turtle resting in a forest of soft corals♪ The turtles in Yonehara are not that used to humans and will swim away when approached σ(^_^;)

A banded sea snake was also enjoying the soft corals and it didn’t mind us at all・・・( ̄◇ ̄;)

A small anemone partner shrimp in a small coral♡ It was waving its little claws around(*^▽^*)

It’s possible to see square-spot anthias at this dive site☆ Just swim slowly and keep your eyes open!

The swell will probably linger until tomorrowσ(^_^;) But the ocean should get flatter by the day now!