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Sunny morning in Ishigaki island but the wind was much stronger than expected Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) But everything was still calm underwater and the manta rays also came to visit✨🐠✨

When we first arrived at the cleaning station, there were not a single manta ray! But we waited and finally they showed up to everyones excitement♪♪

We also went diving at Arakawa and Yamabare which were calm today despite the strong wind. So much fun swimming through the tunnels✨

We saw so many colorful and interesting marine animals! On top of the soft corals a little green sea turtles was taking a nap♪ It swam away quickly when it saw us approach, sorry for disturbing ( ̄◇ ̄;)

A tiny box fish, they are so cute when they are small✨

Bright red leafy scorpionfish🐡

Also, so many shrimps♪ Below, a skunk shrimp.

We also saw an anemone shrimp♪ They usually live in pairs but in this anemone there are four of them! I wonder if they feel crowded σ(^_^;)

The wind is strong but I look forward to more dives!