It is warm like a summer’s day in Ishigaki(≧▽≦)
South wind, fun dives in Yonehara and Manta point♪
The visibility wasn’t the best(;^ω^) But all the small fishes and corals were entertaining as alwasy☆

A Whip coral shirmp♪

We went for two dives at Manta city! The first dive, we saw three manta rays swimming in the distance. They seemed to be in a great hurry(;´・ω・) Still, it’s very lucky to see them at this time of the year☆

This Green turtle had made itself comfy on the soft corals♡

A manta swam by for the third dive too, this one was not in any hurry and hovered above the cleaning station(≧▽≦)
Looking forward to tomorrow’s dives♪