I thought the north wind would be stronger today, but it seems to have calmed down instead (;^ω^)
Today we went for fun dives in Osaki and Nagura(≧▽≦) On the third dive, we saw as many as five Green turtles♪


The visibility had gone down a lot in Nagura bay(/ω\) But the corals were looking well(≧▽≦)

A tiny Giant cuttlefish swam up to us for shelter escaping another diver chasing after it… I’m glad to help(;^ω^)

A Mantis shrimp hiding in the san♪

A pair of tiny Nudibranch(*^▽^*)

And a flatworm with the most striking pattern♪

Between the corals we could see these small Harlequin filefish ♡

I can find this shrimp on a lot of dive sites, but this one stands out against the green☆

I hope we can meet many more critters tomorrow!
Because of the big typhoon approaching mainland Japan, some of our guests sadly had their flights from Tokyo canceled already(>_<)