Very strong north wind today in Ishigaki island(;・∀・) We went for discover scuba dives in Ishigaki’s Osaki and Nagura area☆

In Osaki, the visibility was less than usual but the Green sea turtles didn’t care and were sleeping on top of their usual rocks(`・ω・´) We also saw a Hawksbill sea turtleた☆ I didn’t manage to take a picture of it this time(;´・ω・)

A Banded seasnake with its head in the sand and tail up in the air… the water I meanww

We also swam by this deep blue flatworm!

The corals were also looking well!! They have been growing so much that I think they will reach all the way the surface when it’s low tide(≧▽≦)

Tomorrow, it will be a little bit less windy(;^ω^) I like it best underwater♪♪