The north wind is howling through Ishigaki island today(;´・ω・) On days like this, I’m glad we can go diving in calm Osaki area☆ So many healthy corals in the shallow parts of this area(≧▽≦)

Who wouldn’t want to meet this cutie?♪♪ Sea turtles are everybody’s favorites☆

The Spotted garden eels are also very popular♪ There are schools of them poking their heads out of the sand~(/・ω・)/

This little Pipehorse has been staying around the same area for a long time☆

An impressive looking Stonefish(;・∀・)

This flounder has hidden itself expertly♪

Below, another flounder.

A tiny nudibranch clinging to a coral.

The wind will be strong tomorrow again(-_-メ) We will find somewhere calm to go☆