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A typhoon past over Taiwan, south of Ishigaki island🌬️ The waves have been high here too and the typhoon stirred up some cold water. The temperature has dropped by 2 degrees✨ The visibility is also better✨ The wind calmed down enough in the afternoon so that we could dive at manta point ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Two manta rays circled the cleaning station✨

A little green sea turtle was resting on the reef♪♪

Below a robust ghost pipefish✨

And this is an ornate ghost pipefish✨

Also found a tiny little pipefish♪

Lots of glass fish in the swim throughs✨

Below, a bubble coral shrimp🦐

A nudibranch✨

Looking forward to more dives tomorrow!