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Sunny day in Ishigaki☀️ The swell is down and the wind has calmed down✨
We went for fun dives at Yonehara, Manta point and Yamabare🎵
Today, we saw a manta ray☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ It swam by very close to our divers, thank you 🙏

A green sea turtle🐢 Firmly squeezed under a rock・・・σ(^_^;)

The corals are looking well🪸 We hope that the water temperature won’t go up too much again☀️

A big stonefish! It;s not even trying to hide.

Also spotted square-spot anthias🐠

A giant clam in closeup!🌀

Also found a brightly colored nudibranch♪

And some shrimps! Below, an anemone partner shrimp and then an anemone shrimp✨

Looking forward to more dives tomorrow🚢✨