A calm east wind over Ishigaki island today(≧▽≦)
We departed from Sakieda♪ to dive in Osaki and Nagura☆ In Osaki, the visibility was a bit bad(;´・ω・) but we saw many different animals on the dive☆ Below is a Green turtle! We saw four of them today☆ This one got some hitchhikers attached…(;^ω^)
Another one swam slowly over the reef♪♪
Lots of Giant cuttlefishes☆ This one is in the middle of laying her eggs(/・ω・)/
And this male is guarding her fiercly(;・∀・)
In Nagura bay, we saw many different corals☆ The visibility was also on top\(^o^)/
A small Pipehorse was clinging to a straw on the sandy bottom(;´・ω・)
And a… crab
An Anemone shrimp with eggs♪
A Lionfish.
Tomorrow we have Discover scuba dives♪♪ Looking forward to introducing the underwater world!