The sun was shining but the sea was rough because of the influence of the typhoon closeby Ishigaki island(;´・ω・) It will be stormy another 2-3days!
Today, we went diving at calm Yonehara that was shelteredし(≧▽≦)
Lots of Sea goldies ♪♪

We also saw many soft corals as we went to the deeper area☆

This Brown-banded pipefish hid between the rocks♪

We also saw many different shrimps♪ Below, an Anemone partner shrimp.

And Squat shrimps shaking their tiny tails♡

Living on a Whip coral, a Whip coral shrimp♪

Living in an Anemone, an Anemone shrimp♪

This Banded boxer shrimp was well sheltered by a rock(^O^)

From tomorrow the typhoon will get stronger((+_+)) We’ll see when we can go diving again(;^ω^)